dimarts, 30 de setembre del 2014

Una nova venjança / A new revenge

Revenge 4x01 Renaissance

L'Emily ha guanyat, en Conrad està mort i la Victoria està ingressada en un psiquiàtric. Però ella no està bé, ja no vol tornar a ser l'Amanda Clarke perquè ja no li queda ningú. I desprès de tants anys pensant en venjar-se ara que ja ho ha aconseguit troba un buit que només pot emplenar castigant als demès, encara que no tinguin res a veure amb el Graysons.

Però la Victoria de veritat se'n penedeix del que ha fet i intenta fer les paus, però al no poder decideix anar a per l'Emily amb una fugida digna de la reina dels Hamptons. L'única cosa que no m'agrada't de l'episodi es que es vulgui posar a la Victoria com la protagonista i l'Emily com la dolenta. La Victoria va condemnar a l'Emily a viure separada del seu pare i va matar al seu amor. La Victoria va a per ella per la mort d'en Pascal però va ser en Conrad qui el va matar. La Victoria no serà MAI la protagonista.

Qui de veritat es mereix buscar venjança es en David que ja ha començat el seu pla raptant a la Victoria. I ha estat una gran revelació saber que el guàrdia que va deixar sortir a en Conrad estava treballant per a en David. Ara haurem de veure com reacciona l'Emily davant d'aquesta revelació

Emily has won, Conrad's dead and Victoria is in a hospitalized in a psychiatric . But she is not ok, she doesn't want to be Amanda Clarke again because she has nothing left. After all these years planning her revenge she's empty, and can only be filled by punishing the others, even if they have nothing to do with the Graysons.

But Victoria's really feeling guilty of what she's done and tried to make peace, but as Emily refused she decided to go after her with a brilliant prison brake. The only thing I didn't liked about this episode is that their painting Victoria as the hero and Emily as the villain. Victoria condemned Emily to leave without her father and killed her lover. Victoria is after her because of Pascal's death but Emily has nothing to do with it, Conrad did it. Victoria will NEVER be the hero.

Who really deserves revenge is David and he already began his plan kidnapping Victoria. It's been a great revelation to know that the officer that let Conrad out was working for David. Now we'll have to wait how Emily reacts to this big revelation.

Victoria: You chose Revenge. Now it's my turn

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