dimarts, 23 de setembre del 2014

Presentació / Presentation

Hola, benvinguts a tots a aquest nou blog de critiques d'episodis de series actuals. Cada setmana, un o dos dies desprès de la seva emissió, escriure la meva opinio de cada episodi de les següents series: Revenge, Once Upon a Time, The Good Wife, Homeland, Gotham, The Big Bang Theory, The Flash, Modern Family, Grey's Anatomy, A to Z, Glee i Game of Thrones. Us convido a que vosaltres també em digueu el que us sembla l'episodi i em recomaneu alguna serie per escriure sobre ella.

Hi, welcome everyone to this new blog of actual tv series' episode's reviews. Every week, one or two days after the original release, I will write my opinion about every episode of the following series; Revenge, Once Upon a Time, The Good Wife, Homeland, Gotham, The Big Bang Theory, The Flash, Modern Family, Grey's Anatomy, A to Z, Glee and Game of Thrones. I invite you to write me what do you think of the episode and also to recommend me any series to write about it.

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