dimarts, 30 de setembre del 2014

Una nova venjança / A new revenge

Revenge 4x01 Renaissance

L'Emily ha guanyat, en Conrad està mort i la Victoria està ingressada en un psiquiàtric. Però ella no està bé, ja no vol tornar a ser l'Amanda Clarke perquè ja no li queda ningú. I desprès de tants anys pensant en venjar-se ara que ja ho ha aconseguit troba un buit que només pot emplenar castigant als demès, encara que no tinguin res a veure amb el Graysons.

Però la Victoria de veritat se'n penedeix del que ha fet i intenta fer les paus, però al no poder decideix anar a per l'Emily amb una fugida digna de la reina dels Hamptons. L'única cosa que no m'agrada't de l'episodi es que es vulgui posar a la Victoria com la protagonista i l'Emily com la dolenta. La Victoria va condemnar a l'Emily a viure separada del seu pare i va matar al seu amor. La Victoria va a per ella per la mort d'en Pascal però va ser en Conrad qui el va matar. La Victoria no serà MAI la protagonista.

Qui de veritat es mereix buscar venjança es en David que ja ha començat el seu pla raptant a la Victoria. I ha estat una gran revelació saber que el guàrdia que va deixar sortir a en Conrad estava treballant per a en David. Ara haurem de veure com reacciona l'Emily davant d'aquesta revelació

Emily has won, Conrad's dead and Victoria is in a hospitalized in a psychiatric . But she is not ok, she doesn't want to be Amanda Clarke again because she has nothing left. After all these years planning her revenge she's empty, and can only be filled by punishing the others, even if they have nothing to do with the Graysons.

But Victoria's really feeling guilty of what she's done and tried to make peace, but as Emily refused she decided to go after her with a brilliant prison brake. The only thing I didn't liked about this episode is that their painting Victoria as the hero and Emily as the villain. Victoria condemned Emily to leave without her father and killed her lover. Victoria is after her because of Pascal's death but Emily has nothing to do with it, Conrad did it. Victoria will NEVER be the hero.

Who really deserves revenge is David and he already began his plan kidnapping Victoria. It's been a great revelation to know that the officer that let Conrad out was working for David. Now we'll have to wait how Emily reacts to this big revelation.

Victoria: You chose Revenge. Now it's my turn

divendres, 26 de setembre del 2014

Big Bang torna a la normalitat / Big Bang returns to normal

The Big Bang Theory 6x02 The Junior Professor Solution

A diferència del primer episodi, aquest ha estat bastant divertit. Tornava a ser un episodi "normal" de Big Bang. Un episodi amb dos trames; la d'en Sheldon i la de la Amy, els meus dos personatges preferits.

A en Sheldon li ofereixen ser professor per deixar el camp de la teoria de cordes, però ningú s'apunta així que ho fa en Howard. En Sheldon no pot acceptar que en Howard es prou intel·ligent com per seguir la classe, pel que li posa molts de reptes. Aquesta es una trama clàssica a Big Bang, en Sheldon fent bromes sobre que en Howard no te doctorat, però en aquest episodi s'ha ampliat i en s'ha descobert que passa quan els dos es posen a competir.

A l'Amy es troba en mig de la Penny i la Bernadette ja que estan enfadades i ella ho aprofita per ser el centre d'atenció. Es el que pots esperar d'algú que no ha tingut masses amics i veu que es una peça crucial en la vida de dos persones. M'agrada molt això que fa l'Amy. S'ha convertit en un dels meus personatges preferits per lo malament que ho ha passat i per les anècdotes que ha tingut. Cada vegada que explica histories de quan era petita et donen ganes d'abraçar-la.

With the difference of the first episode, this have been quite funny. It was a "normal" Big Bang episode. A episode with two plots; Sheldon's and Amy's, my two favorite characters

Sheldon gets the offer to be a professor to leave the investigation of the string theory, but no one signs in to his class so Howard does. Sheldon can admit that Howard is smart enough to take the class so he challenge him. This has been a classic in Big Bang, Sheldon making jokes about Howard without having his doctorate, but in this episode we've seen what happens when the two of them start to compete.

Amy finds herself between Penny and Bernadette as the two are mad against them and she takes vantage to be the center spot. It what can be expected from someone that hasn't had a lot of friends and finds herself as a crucial piece of two people. That's why I like Amy. She has become one of my favorite characters for how everything she's been trough, and for the stories she tells. Every time she explains stories of her childhood you just want to hug her.

Sheldon: So your solution is to promote me and pay me more money so that I can impart my knowledge to the next generation of scientists? 
Mrs. Davis: Yes. 
Sheldon: You people are sick.

Els canvis de Big Bang / Big Bang's changes

The Big Bang Theory 6x01 The Locomotion Interruption

Torna Big Bang, desprès d'un dels cliffhangers més grans de tota la sèrie crec que no ha estat a l'expectativa. A part de les escenes d'en Sheldon crec que les altres dos trames han estat bastant fluixes.

En Sheldon ha viatjat per tot el païs, això si, sense deixar les estacions de tren i s'ha trobat que l'hi han robat tot i es truca a en Leonard perquè l'ajudi. Però no truca a l'Amy perquè no vol que el vegi com un perdedor el que ha portat al millor moment de l'episodi

Les altres dos trames no han estat a l'altura. La primera ha estat en Howard sentint enveja del Stuart perquè es porta bé amb la seva mare. Ha acabat amb una escena bastant graciosa on els dos acusaven a l'altre d'actuar com el seu. Per part de la Penny s'ha tallat el cabell, que no m'agrada gens, i ha trobat feina gràcies a la Bernadette. Però espero que això només sigui el principi d'una trama major.

Big Bang is back, after one of the biggest cliffhangers of the whole series I think it hasn't been as good as we expected. Excluding Sheldon's scenes, the other two plots have been quite bad.

Sheldon has travel around all the country, but without leaving the train station, and has found himself robbed and calls Leonard asking for help. He hasn't called Amy because he doesn't want her to see him as a failure, which brought us to the biggest OMG of the series.

The other two plots weren't as good as they should. The first one has been Howard feeling jealous of Stuart for his relationship with his mother. It ended with a pretty funny scene where they both accused the other of acting like a father and Howard. Penny has cut her hair, which I don't like, and has found a job with Bernadette's help. I hope that this is just the beginning of a major plot.

Sheldon: As soon as we get home, I want to have coitus with Amy. Okay, she can't hear.

La llei de Murphy / Murphy's Law

Grey's Anatomy 11x01 I Must Have Lost it in the Wind

Grey's Anatomy es la llei de Murphy, quan una cosa pot anar malament, va malament. Quines possibilitats hi han de que et caigui una llitera en el cotxe en ple acte? Una de les coses que m'agraden de GA es que saben escriure molt bé episodis tràgics.

Crec que no han aprofundit gaire en la relació entre Derek i Meredith ja que només han tingut una escena junts on en Derek renuncia a la feina. Però la Meredith sembla que li agradi sofrir ja que quan la solució als seus problemes es presenta davant seu la descarta. El que es pensa es que en Derek ha renunciat a la feina per la Meredith i això es el que ella no vol, però jo crec que això no ha anat així.

La Callie i l'Arizona estan sempre en desacord, el que em fa pensar es que aquesta temporada tampoc els hi anirà gaire bé. Fins i tot estan en desacord en qui ha d'ocupar el lloc la Cristina a la junta. Jo crec que l'hauria d'ocupar la Bailey, l'Alex no es prou madur com per ocupar un lloc a la junta. I tampoc m'agrada que l'Alex sigui el substitut de la Cristina. M'agrada la relació que tenen l'Alex i la Meredith però no arribarà mai a ser com la que tenia amb la Cristina, espero.

Ha sigut estrany veure a la Meredith i la seva germana que no es porten bé ja que ella i la Lexie eren les germanes perfectes, tot i que no van començar gaire bé. Però aquest cop no crec que la Meredith descobreixi que es la seva germana per ara. Però un cop arreglin les seves diferències crec que ella serà la substituta de la Cristina ja tenen moltes coses en comú: gustos, personalitat... Haurem d'esperar per veure com acaba tot

Grey's Anatomy is like the Murphy's Law, when everything can go wrong, will go wrong. Which are the chances that a gurney strike you in your car in the middle of the act? One of the things that I like from GA is that the know how to write tragic episodes very well.

I think that they barely touched Meredith and Derek's relationship as they had just one scene together where Derek tells her that he refused to leave. But Meredith seems to like suffering as when the solution of her problems appear in front of her she discards it. What she thinks is that Derek refused the job for Meredith but I don't think that it hasn't been this way.

Callie and Arizona are always arguing, what makes me think that this won't be also a good season for them. Even they were arguing on who should replace Cristina's sit on the board. I think that Bailey should as Alex is not mature enough to take that responsibility. I also don't like that Alex is Meredith's substitute for Cristina. I like their relationship but it will never be as good as the one she had with Cristina, I hope.

It's been funny to see Meredith and her sister without getting along as she and Lexie were the perfect sisters, but they also didn't started well. But this time I don't think that Meredith is going to discover it for now. But once they made up I think she is going to be Cristina's substitute as they have a lot in common, likes, personality. We'll have to wait to see how everything ends up.

Maggie: I found my sister and I think I hate her

dijous, 25 de setembre del 2014

Tornar a començar / Starting Again

Modern Family 6x01 The Long Honeymoon 

En aquest episodi els protagonistes han de tornar a la normalitat. En Cam i en Mitch han de deixar enrere la lluna de mel però en Cam no està preparat per tornar a la rutina. Aquesta ha estat la mateixa trama que hem estat veient durant la sèrie, en Mitch que no li agraden les mostres d'afecte i en Cam que no sap quan parar.

La trama dels Dunphys ha començat malament, ja que Alex es un dels meus personatges preferits i ens han ensenyat una família que viu millor sense ella. Per sort la seva trama ha acabat amb la millor escena de l'episodi, l'Alex desemmascarant el estiu de la felicitat com l'estiu de la estupidesa

Com sempre, la Gloria es la millor de la sèrie. Sentir-la parlar Espanyol i "Spanglish" es molt divertit. I avui veient-la sense arreglar ha estat millor que mai, sobretot quan s'ha trobat amb la sorpresa i en tres segons tornava a estar tant guapa com sempre.

In this episode the protagonists have to return to reality. Cam and Mitch have to leave behind the Honeymoon but Cam isn't ready to return to routine. This have been the same plot we've ever seen during the series, Mitch that can't stand emotional affect and Cam that doesn't know where to stop.

Dunphy's plot hasn't started well, as Alex is one of my favorite characters and they've showed us a family that is better without her. Luckily her plot ended with the best scene of the episode, Alex unmasking the summer of happiness as the summer of stupidity.

As always, Gloria is the best of the series. Hearing her talking Spanish and "Spanglish" is very funny. Today seeing her without dressing up it's been even funnier, mostly when she found the surprise and in three seconds she was as beautiful as ever.

Phil: You can leave us, we are a danger to ourselves. We are a family of fire starters, poison eaters and online prostitutes
Claire: It wasn't a perfect summer it was a stupid summer

dimecres, 24 de setembre del 2014

La Introducció al món de Batman / The introduction to Batman's World

Gotham: 1x01 Pilot

A mi, com a fan del món de Batman m'ha agradat molt veure com era tot abans de que el Cavaller Fosc aparegués. Tenint en compte que la sèrie es basa en l'univers de la trilogia Nolan, ja sabem que Gotham es una ciutat que està destinada al caos, on la màfia es qui domina la ciutat i a tothom. I en aquesta ciutat només hi ha dos opcions: o unir-te a la màfia, o fugir. Però el nostre protagonista, Jim Gordon, es incorrupible, es un home d'honor i no pot aliar-se amb ells.

Vull destacar que veure a  molts dels famosos crimals de Batman ha sigut un regal. Durant aquest primer episodi he pogut veure a personatges com; Catwoman, Enigma, The Penguin and Poison Ivy. Però no com als crimals en que es convertiran, els hem vist com a marginats socials, i crec que la seva "transformació" anirà per aquí. Amb les pel·lícules de Christopher Nolan vam veure com Bruce Wayne es transforma en Batman i espero que amb Gotham veiem als criminals convertir-se en criminals.

De moment es massa aviat per saber qui te el control de la ciutat del rascacels. De moment el té Falcone però no crec que Fish Mooney es mantengui en un segon pla. Haurem d'esperar per saber com acabarà això però jo no  descartaria tan aviat a Fish perquè pot ser una dels més perilloses de la sèrie.

As a fan of Batman's world I've liked watching how everything was before the Dark Knight appeared. Knowing that the series is based on the Nolan's trilogy's universe, we alredy know that Gotham is a city destined to chaos, where mafia is the one who rules the city and everybody. So in this city you only have two choices, join the mafia or leave. But our hero, Jim Gordon, is incorruptible, he's a man of honour and won't join them.

I want to say that watching most of the famous criminals of Batman has been a gift. During the first episode we've seen characters like; Catwoman, Enigma, The Penguin and Poison Ivy. But not as the criminals they'll become, as outsiders and I think that their "transformation" is going on that direction. With Christopher Nolan's movies we saw how Bruce Wayne became Batman, and I hope that with Gotham we'll be able to se how they became who they are.

Right now is too soon to know who rules the skycrapers' city. Falcone has the power right now, but I don't think that Fish Mooney will stay on second line. We'll have to wait to see how is going to end but I think that Fish is going to be one of the most powerful criminal of the serie.

Bruce: I'm learning to conquer fear 
Jim: Fear doesn't need to conquering

dimarts, 23 de setembre del 2014

Presentació / Presentation

Hola, benvinguts a tots a aquest nou blog de critiques d'episodis de series actuals. Cada setmana, un o dos dies desprès de la seva emissió, escriure la meva opinio de cada episodi de les següents series: Revenge, Once Upon a Time, The Good Wife, Homeland, Gotham, The Big Bang Theory, The Flash, Modern Family, Grey's Anatomy, A to Z, Glee i Game of Thrones. Us convido a que vosaltres també em digueu el que us sembla l'episodi i em recomaneu alguna serie per escriure sobre ella.

Hi, welcome everyone to this new blog of actual tv series' episode's reviews. Every week, one or two days after the original release, I will write my opinion about every episode of the following series; Revenge, Once Upon a Time, The Good Wife, Homeland, Gotham, The Big Bang Theory, The Flash, Modern Family, Grey's Anatomy, A to Z, Glee and Game of Thrones. I invite you to write me what do you think of the episode and also to recommend me any series to write about it.