divendres, 26 de setembre del 2014

Big Bang torna a la normalitat / Big Bang returns to normal

The Big Bang Theory 6x02 The Junior Professor Solution

A diferència del primer episodi, aquest ha estat bastant divertit. Tornava a ser un episodi "normal" de Big Bang. Un episodi amb dos trames; la d'en Sheldon i la de la Amy, els meus dos personatges preferits.

A en Sheldon li ofereixen ser professor per deixar el camp de la teoria de cordes, però ningú s'apunta així que ho fa en Howard. En Sheldon no pot acceptar que en Howard es prou intel·ligent com per seguir la classe, pel que li posa molts de reptes. Aquesta es una trama clàssica a Big Bang, en Sheldon fent bromes sobre que en Howard no te doctorat, però en aquest episodi s'ha ampliat i en s'ha descobert que passa quan els dos es posen a competir.

A l'Amy es troba en mig de la Penny i la Bernadette ja que estan enfadades i ella ho aprofita per ser el centre d'atenció. Es el que pots esperar d'algú que no ha tingut masses amics i veu que es una peça crucial en la vida de dos persones. M'agrada molt això que fa l'Amy. S'ha convertit en un dels meus personatges preferits per lo malament que ho ha passat i per les anècdotes que ha tingut. Cada vegada que explica histories de quan era petita et donen ganes d'abraçar-la.

With the difference of the first episode, this have been quite funny. It was a "normal" Big Bang episode. A episode with two plots; Sheldon's and Amy's, my two favorite characters

Sheldon gets the offer to be a professor to leave the investigation of the string theory, but no one signs in to his class so Howard does. Sheldon can admit that Howard is smart enough to take the class so he challenge him. This has been a classic in Big Bang, Sheldon making jokes about Howard without having his doctorate, but in this episode we've seen what happens when the two of them start to compete.

Amy finds herself between Penny and Bernadette as the two are mad against them and she takes vantage to be the center spot. It what can be expected from someone that hasn't had a lot of friends and finds herself as a crucial piece of two people. That's why I like Amy. She has become one of my favorite characters for how everything she's been trough, and for the stories she tells. Every time she explains stories of her childhood you just want to hug her.

Sheldon: So your solution is to promote me and pay me more money so that I can impart my knowledge to the next generation of scientists? 
Mrs. Davis: Yes. 
Sheldon: You people are sick.

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