divendres, 26 de setembre del 2014

Els canvis de Big Bang / Big Bang's changes

The Big Bang Theory 6x01 The Locomotion Interruption

Torna Big Bang, desprès d'un dels cliffhangers més grans de tota la sèrie crec que no ha estat a l'expectativa. A part de les escenes d'en Sheldon crec que les altres dos trames han estat bastant fluixes.

En Sheldon ha viatjat per tot el païs, això si, sense deixar les estacions de tren i s'ha trobat que l'hi han robat tot i es truca a en Leonard perquè l'ajudi. Però no truca a l'Amy perquè no vol que el vegi com un perdedor el que ha portat al millor moment de l'episodi

Les altres dos trames no han estat a l'altura. La primera ha estat en Howard sentint enveja del Stuart perquè es porta bé amb la seva mare. Ha acabat amb una escena bastant graciosa on els dos acusaven a l'altre d'actuar com el seu. Per part de la Penny s'ha tallat el cabell, que no m'agrada gens, i ha trobat feina gràcies a la Bernadette. Però espero que això només sigui el principi d'una trama major.

Big Bang is back, after one of the biggest cliffhangers of the whole series I think it hasn't been as good as we expected. Excluding Sheldon's scenes, the other two plots have been quite bad.

Sheldon has travel around all the country, but without leaving the train station, and has found himself robbed and calls Leonard asking for help. He hasn't called Amy because he doesn't want her to see him as a failure, which brought us to the biggest OMG of the series.

The other two plots weren't as good as they should. The first one has been Howard feeling jealous of Stuart for his relationship with his mother. It ended with a pretty funny scene where they both accused the other of acting like a father and Howard. Penny has cut her hair, which I don't like, and has found a job with Bernadette's help. I hope that this is just the beginning of a major plot.

Sheldon: As soon as we get home, I want to have coitus with Amy. Okay, she can't hear.

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