dijous, 25 de setembre del 2014

Tornar a començar / Starting Again

Modern Family 6x01 The Long Honeymoon 

En aquest episodi els protagonistes han de tornar a la normalitat. En Cam i en Mitch han de deixar enrere la lluna de mel però en Cam no està preparat per tornar a la rutina. Aquesta ha estat la mateixa trama que hem estat veient durant la sèrie, en Mitch que no li agraden les mostres d'afecte i en Cam que no sap quan parar.

La trama dels Dunphys ha començat malament, ja que Alex es un dels meus personatges preferits i ens han ensenyat una família que viu millor sense ella. Per sort la seva trama ha acabat amb la millor escena de l'episodi, l'Alex desemmascarant el estiu de la felicitat com l'estiu de la estupidesa

Com sempre, la Gloria es la millor de la sèrie. Sentir-la parlar Espanyol i "Spanglish" es molt divertit. I avui veient-la sense arreglar ha estat millor que mai, sobretot quan s'ha trobat amb la sorpresa i en tres segons tornava a estar tant guapa com sempre.

In this episode the protagonists have to return to reality. Cam and Mitch have to leave behind the Honeymoon but Cam isn't ready to return to routine. This have been the same plot we've ever seen during the series, Mitch that can't stand emotional affect and Cam that doesn't know where to stop.

Dunphy's plot hasn't started well, as Alex is one of my favorite characters and they've showed us a family that is better without her. Luckily her plot ended with the best scene of the episode, Alex unmasking the summer of happiness as the summer of stupidity.

As always, Gloria is the best of the series. Hearing her talking Spanish and "Spanglish" is very funny. Today seeing her without dressing up it's been even funnier, mostly when she found the surprise and in three seconds she was as beautiful as ever.

Phil: You can leave us, we are a danger to ourselves. We are a family of fire starters, poison eaters and online prostitutes
Claire: It wasn't a perfect summer it was a stupid summer

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