divendres, 26 de setembre del 2014

La llei de Murphy / Murphy's Law

Grey's Anatomy 11x01 I Must Have Lost it in the Wind

Grey's Anatomy es la llei de Murphy, quan una cosa pot anar malament, va malament. Quines possibilitats hi han de que et caigui una llitera en el cotxe en ple acte? Una de les coses que m'agraden de GA es que saben escriure molt bé episodis tràgics.

Crec que no han aprofundit gaire en la relació entre Derek i Meredith ja que només han tingut una escena junts on en Derek renuncia a la feina. Però la Meredith sembla que li agradi sofrir ja que quan la solució als seus problemes es presenta davant seu la descarta. El que es pensa es que en Derek ha renunciat a la feina per la Meredith i això es el que ella no vol, però jo crec que això no ha anat així.

La Callie i l'Arizona estan sempre en desacord, el que em fa pensar es que aquesta temporada tampoc els hi anirà gaire bé. Fins i tot estan en desacord en qui ha d'ocupar el lloc la Cristina a la junta. Jo crec que l'hauria d'ocupar la Bailey, l'Alex no es prou madur com per ocupar un lloc a la junta. I tampoc m'agrada que l'Alex sigui el substitut de la Cristina. M'agrada la relació que tenen l'Alex i la Meredith però no arribarà mai a ser com la que tenia amb la Cristina, espero.

Ha sigut estrany veure a la Meredith i la seva germana que no es porten bé ja que ella i la Lexie eren les germanes perfectes, tot i que no van començar gaire bé. Però aquest cop no crec que la Meredith descobreixi que es la seva germana per ara. Però un cop arreglin les seves diferències crec que ella serà la substituta de la Cristina ja tenen moltes coses en comú: gustos, personalitat... Haurem d'esperar per veure com acaba tot

Grey's Anatomy is like the Murphy's Law, when everything can go wrong, will go wrong. Which are the chances that a gurney strike you in your car in the middle of the act? One of the things that I like from GA is that the know how to write tragic episodes very well.

I think that they barely touched Meredith and Derek's relationship as they had just one scene together where Derek tells her that he refused to leave. But Meredith seems to like suffering as when the solution of her problems appear in front of her she discards it. What she thinks is that Derek refused the job for Meredith but I don't think that it hasn't been this way.

Callie and Arizona are always arguing, what makes me think that this won't be also a good season for them. Even they were arguing on who should replace Cristina's sit on the board. I think that Bailey should as Alex is not mature enough to take that responsibility. I also don't like that Alex is Meredith's substitute for Cristina. I like their relationship but it will never be as good as the one she had with Cristina, I hope.

It's been funny to see Meredith and her sister without getting along as she and Lexie were the perfect sisters, but they also didn't started well. But this time I don't think that Meredith is going to discover it for now. But once they made up I think she is going to be Cristina's substitute as they have a lot in common, likes, personality. We'll have to wait to see how everything ends up.

Maggie: I found my sister and I think I hate her

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